This little study of a Red Lemur in colour pencil was completed after I did the Meerkat in colour pencil.
After completing the Meerkat drawing, actually when working on the Meerkat drawing. It felt like I wasn’t getting the best from the colour pencils on a plain white background.
Of course this is all down to personal choice as to which is better for a background. For me in this case, the white did not help.
So luckily for me, I have quite a collection of art supplies built up over the years. In these supplies I have some Derwent Pastel paper Would you believe, after having this paper in my ‘stores’, this is the first time I’ve used it!
The 2 sides of the paper are slightly different. One side is very smooth and the other has a slight bit of tooth, but not much. I decided to use the side with the tooth.
As for my choice of colour pencils, I used Derwent Drawing colour pencils, which worked wonderfully with the Derwent Pastel paper. I also used a few Berol Karismacolor colour pencils. These are very much like the Derwent Drawing, in that they are a wax colour pencil. Sadly these are no longer in production.
Just a little side note, I really liked how the Derwent Drawing felt as in the way they laid down colour. I only have a few colours from the range, but will certainly be expanding them when I have the funds.
There are not a large amount of colours in the range. However the colours they do have are perfect or animal and wildlife work.
Red Lemur in colour pencil – the art
Red Lemur in colour pencil – YouTube demo
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